United Nations Tour

It could not have been a lovelier mid-May Friday afternoon.

I was able to leave work early enough to accept an invitation from an Ambassador to the UN who graciously invited me to take a comprehensive tour of the United Nations.

Upon our first meeting, I had mentioned my aspiration many years before of becoming an interpreter at the UN, my major at that time being French.  I had never been to the UN, but its broad humanitarian efforts appealed strongly to me.

The United Nations building stands tall alongside Manhattan’s East River.  The main structure rises up forty stories and the adjacent building houses a library.  There are several statues and sculptures gracing the rose garden.  Multicolored flags billow overhead.  While on the property, donated by the Rockefeller family, you are no longer on US soil.

Inside, among three floors, there was an astounding abundance of artifacts; paintings, sculpture, tapestries, gold and porcelain vases and urns originating from every corner of the globe.  Portraits of past and present Secretary-Generals and other dignitaries lined the walls.  One objet d’art of particular luminous beauty was an enormous Chinese tapestry depicting the Great Wall against a mountainous backdrop.

There was a keen sense of deep negotiation taking place.  I met the Ambassador of Norway, who greeted me warmly with a firm handshake.  I saw people of many nationalities grouped together in deep discussion. Seeing this international camaraderie represents every dream and wish I once had in my younger, more idealistic youth.  Over the years that optimism has become tarnished, my hope fading as evil continues to be perpetrated upon humanity.

One of the intentions of this blog and of the Chicktalk discussions is to offer some positive input with regard to race and gender relations in this country and to bring about a sense of unity and peace among our citizenry.  Visiting the United Nations has empowered me to push forward, to offer my voice and the voice of others willing to speak out in order to potentially manifest some positive growth.
wpid-20150515_144332.jpgA potent energy surged through me as I stood at the podium of the UN General Assembly.  Is it merely pie in the sky optimism?

I never did achieve my dream of becoming an interpreter, my life zigzagged off in a different direction.  I am grateful to Mr. Ambassador for bringing me into close contact with others who actively serve, and who now inspire.  As Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh states in his book, THE ART OF COMMUNICATING, “We each can do our part to contribute as a citizen, as a member of the human family.  In the process of community building we get the transformation and healing we need to further the transformation and healing of the world.”


Much reading and research went into the preparation of this blog.

The formulation of a theme evolved from numerous sources.

“You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Nothing hunts us like the things we don’t say” – Mitch Albon

“Nothing of value happens unless you take a leap into uncertainty” – Collette Aboulkar-Muscat

I’d like to acknowledge my college friend, Liz Roberts, as the originator of the term CHICKTALK.

Check out Liz’s blog entitled Foodie Pantry.

I composed an anagram to define the term:

C ommon

H elp

I n

C ommunicating

K nowledge

T raining

A nd

L earning

K indness

The term is not meant to be an exclusively female dialogue.  It is meant to imply an open dialogue inclusive to all who want to participate in an exponential increase in awareness and understanding among ALL segments of society.  In my opinion, we have only come so far in blending our multicultural and multiracial society into one cohesive population. This has resulted in a delay in our progress and caused numerous incidents of violence as well as misunderstanding and fear.

Before I became a cardiac sonographer, I was an English Major in college.

Recently I had the opportunity to visit the Ernest Hemingway home in Key West.  Mr. Hemingway had a writing room built in an upstairs room overlooking the pool area.  Stepping into that room where great novels were born was an eerie experience.  The room was decorated simply and yet great ideas manifested into profound works of literature.

“The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice.  Ironically, their virtue makes them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed” E. Hemingway

I am at long last, ready to add my voice to the narrative.  Thanks in advance to the people who’ve offered to speak with me.

I can’t wait to begin.


It has been a gorgeous, mid-April spring weekend.  The warmth of the sun has caused both people and blossoms to come forth.  An visible opening has occurred.

The purpose of my blog is to initiate an opening.  I seek to instigate a dialogue going beyond what is typical in our daily interactions.  In my line of work as a cardiac sonographer, I am privileged to have brief, yet powerful, eye opening exchanges with numerous people from all walks of life.  I have learned so much from each and every person.

My inspiration comes from these conversations and lately people have been open to giving me permission to connect with them to document the issues we’ve touched upon.

First, I’d like to thank Nancy Oatts for all the help she gave me in setting up this blog.  Nancy is a talented graphic design artist.  Check out her blog, Neighbor Nancy, having to do with the subject of elder care.  Nancy not only has provided extraordinary care for her family members, she provided a life line to her elderly neighbor in her most urgent time of need.  I am inspired to do my civic duty to help others in large part due to Nancy’s incredible example of philanthropy.

I’m working on obtaining some audio and video to be uploaded to this site in the near future.

To be continued….going outside now to enjoy a bit of this amazing day!